Sanjoy Roy

[MCM, MCP, SCJP] – Senior PHP Programmer

Tag Archives: JavaScript/Flash library

SWFUpload – JavaScript/Flash library to Upload Multiple Files

SWFUpload is a small JavaScript/Flash library to get the best of both worlds. It features the great upload capabilities of Flash and the accessibility and ease of HTML/CSS.

* Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog
* Javascript callbacks on all events
* Get file information before upload starts
* Style upload elements with XHTML and css
* Display information while files are uploading using HTML
* No page reloads necessary
* Works on all platforms/browsers that has Flash support.
* Degrades gracefully to normal HTML upload form if Flash or javascript is unavailable
* Control filesize before upload starts
* Only display chosen filetypes in dialog
* Queue uploads, remove/add files before starting upload