Sanjoy Roy

[MCM, MCP, SCJP] – Senior PHP Programmer

Tag Archives: Password

To Recover Your Parallels Plesk Panel Password on a Linux Server

Using SSH, log in to your server with the User ID and Password that you created when you set up your dedicated hosting account.
At the command line, type su -.
For your password, use the same password that you use with your User ID.
Type cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow
This file contains your admin Parallels Plesk Panel password.

How to create a Password Protected Directory using linux command prompt?

Create a .htaccess file in the folder you want to set.
#root@adu [/home/hostsite/public_html/admin]# vi .htaccess
copy and paste the following lines:
AuthName “Secure Area”
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /home/hostsite/public_html/admin/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Now set a password:
#htpasswd -c .htpasswd admin
New password: admin321
confirm password: admin321

You are done. test it: and enter user name as admin and password as admin321

How do I recover my Joomla admin password?

A. You cannot recover the existing password, but you can reset it to a new password. The passwords are stored using a one-way MD5 hash which prevents recovering the password.
But you can reset the password by editing the password field in the database.Set the password to a known value and then you may log-in using that new password.

The password is stored in the MySQL database jos_users table password field. (change this for your table prefix if different) Use a MySQL utility such as phpMyAdmin or MySQL Query Browser to edit this field. Open the table, find your admin username, and then select that row for editing. The password must be hashed, you cannot simply enter text into this field. Read more of this post