Sanjoy Roy

[MCM, MCP, SCJP] – Senior PHP Programmer

Monthly Archives: November 2009

Freeware – Wireless Key Finder

I came across this freeware that will find the WEP and WPA keys that are in use on your computer so I thought I would pass it on. It works on XP, Vista, x86 and Vista x64. Seems like it could come in handy some day.

I came across this freeware that will find the WEP and WPA keys that are in
use on your computer so I thought I would pass it on. It works on XP, Vista
x86 and Vista x64. Seems like it could come in handy some day.

Ken Triebold

Photoshop – How to change selective area coloring?


1. Select the areas like the above with the selection tool at the top of the toolbar

2.Go to toolbar Select->invert

3. Now, change the color, say Image->Adjustment->Hue/Saturation

4. Check the checkbox ‘Colorize’ box.

5. Now move those sliders.

Firefox cursor positioning issue in EditorGridPanel resolved

The problem in the EditorGridPanel arrived when the columns exceeds more than the screen width and when we click on a cell to edit it jumps you back to the left. I have found a way to resolve this problem, but not sure this may raise some other issues or not . I would expect EXTJS experts could make some comments on this.
It seems that the ‘focusCell’ function in ext-all-debug.js has a problem. So, I just commented out the //this.focusEl.focus(); line.

focusCell : function(row, col, hscroll){
var el = this.ensureVisible(row, col, hscroll);
this.focusEl.alignTo(el, "tl-tl");
this.focusEl.focus.defer(1, this.focusEl);

Not sure it is the right way, but I got it fixed the firefox jumping back problem when we click on the cell to edit (if grid exceeded the maximum page size horizontally.) . I would expect a fix in next version of extjs on this. I hope it may help someone too temporarily…